When's the right time to revamp your beauty brand? Just ask Huda Kattan…

This month, influencer-turned-beauty mogul Huda Kattan just unveiled a sleek new look for her brand Huda Beauty, with a YouTube video talking about the rebrand and why it was needed. Many of our clients come to us wanting to revamp their brand story, tone of voice, and copy and for good reason. If you’re a founder or CEO, below are a few reasons why  you should shake things up.

1. Market Shifts and Trends

Just like Huda noticed the latest beauty trends and gave her brand a shiny new makeover, you need to keep up with the times. If your brand feels a bit like yesterday’s mascara, it’s maybe time for a makeover. This doesn’t mean straying from your brand’s core values. Think of it like renovating a house. You’re still keeping the main structure and foundations, while you touch up the décor, fix structural issues, and add modern touches to enhance your living space and make it more appealing. Similarly, with a brand revamp you can keep your core DNA while refining messaging, and aligning with current market trends to better engage and resonate with your audience. Both require careful planning, a clear vision, and attention to detail to ensure the end result is cohesive, fresh, and more inviting than ever before.

2. Changes in Target Audience

As Huda’s empire grew, her audience expanded too. If your original brand voice is out of tune with your audience, take a leaf out of Huda’s book and tweak it. A great example I saw recently, is that Stylist Magazine have recently launching a parenting newsletter. When Stylist launched, its millennial readership like me were career women in our early 20s and for many of us parenting was not even a blip on the horizon – and hence the magazine contained zero parenting content. Now fifteen years later, we’re still loyal Stylist readers but we’re now in our late 30s/early 40s and many of us have growing families, so the publication has shifted its focus to reflect that. Your brand can act similarly, changing and evolving with your loyal fanbase, as their lives and priorities change (while still remaining fresh and relevant).

3. Business Evolution and Growth

Huda Beauty started with lashes and now offers a full beauty range. If your brand doesn’t reflect your business’s evolution and future direction, it’s time for a refresh. Make sure your brand story keeps pace with your growth. (So for example, don’t create a brand story or a tagline which primarily focuses on skincare, if you’re planning to expand into makeup or haircare one day.)

4. Outdated Visual and Verbal Identity

No-one wants to look like they’ve been dragged through the early 00s backwards (actually maybe some of us would…) If your messaging, story or content feels dated, it’s time for an update. Same goes for your brand voice – make it snappy, modern, and fit for the modern consumer.

5. Mergers, Acquisitions, or Major Changes

If your business has been bought by a large conglomerate or is under new leadership, your brand might need a new identity to match. A fresh brand story can unite the new team and direction, and give customers a reason to get excited about you all over again.

6. Brand Growth

Huda started out as a grass roots influencer brand, doing everything in-house that no-one expected to become as big as it did. As soon as they started “playing with the big dogs” and being stocked by the likes of Sephora, they had to revamp their image so they could sit proudly and confidently alongside their competitors. You might be “the little beauty brand that could” at the moment, but the sky’s the limit, so prepare and brand yourself accordingly. It will make retailers, press and customers sit up and take notice.


Rebranding is a big move, but it can give your business a new lease of life. Keep an eye on market shifts, changes in your audience, and business growth to know when it’s time. With a cracking brand story, voice, and copy, a rebrand can be like rocket fuel for your business – and the sky’s the limit!

Ready to transform your brand and captivate your audience? Let's make magic happen! Reach out to Smart Beauty Creative at hello@smartbeautycreative.com or slide into our DMs.


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So you've successfully built a brand that has attracted a lot of hype. Imagine if you could keep that going in the long-term?