Don’t be better - be different

In the noisy world of beauty marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of competition. But when your brand story and offering are truly unique, you start to see things in a new light. You don’t see others as competitors, more like allies in the same game. That’s how we look at things with Smart Beauty Creative. It’s not about being better than Joe Schmo, it’s about being different and bringing something special to the table. Our founder Viola, explains further…

A Different Kind of Branding Agency

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I've had the pleasure of working at some amazing big marketing agencies over the years. Those experiences were worth their weight in gold, teaching me all sorts and giving me skills I never knew I’d have. But, I noticed something along the way: the little guys, the smaller brands, often get overlooked. That’s where Smart Beauty Creative comes in. Unlike those big agencies, we’re geared up to help the smaller brands who might not have the budget for the big guns but still deserve top-notch expertise. (We’re more than happy to work with bigger brands too – give us a call and lets see if it’s a fit!)

Specialised Beauty Industry Expertise

One thing that sets Smart Beauty Creative apart is our focus on the beauty industry. We’re all about the beauty game, and that gives us an edge. We can offer insights and strategies that are bang on for beauty brands. While the big agencies cover a lot of ground, our deep dive into the beauty market means we can whip up more precise and effective copy solutions. This specialised know-how is a real game-changer for beauty brands looking to make a splash without spending a fortune.

The Best of Both Worlds: Agency Model with a Personal Touch

Smart Beauty Creative brings together the best of both worlds. We’ve got the agency model with all its perks, but we don’t lose that personal touch you get from freelancers. Now, freelancers are great for jumping in on projects that are already rolling. But we go a step further. We can create and lead projects right from the off, offering structure and direction. This is key for new or established businesses that need a bit of a guiding hand to make their mark in the competitive beauty market.

Every client we work with gets a personalised approach, making sure each brand feels valued and understood. This blend of structure and personalisation is what makes Smart Beauty Creative stand out. We give you the hands-on, tailored service of a freelancer with the strategic, all-encompassing capabilities of a bigger agency.

Supporting Brands At Every Level

At the heart of Smart Beauty Creative is a belief that every brand, no matter its size, deserves a chance to shine. By offering our services to those who might not have the budget for the big agency fees, we give smaller brands the power to compete and succeed in the beauty industry. Our flexible and scalable services grow with our clients, providing value at every stage of their journey.

Celebrating Difference

At Smart Beauty Creative, we’re all about celebrating what makes us different. Our unique approach isn’t about being better; it’s about offering something distinct. By focusing on specialised beauty industry expertise, providing structured yet personal services, and supporting smaller brands, we carve out our own niche in the marketing world. This way of looking at things lets us see beyond competition and focus on what really matters: delivering top-notch value to our clients.

In a world where competition is fierce, being different is your greatest asset. At Smart Beauty Creative, we embrace our uniqueness and use it to help our clients shine. Take a look at our services or book a discovery call to find out more about how we can work together.


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